Monday, August 10, 2015


Welcome to Author Central for the weekly blog hop of My Sexy Saturday.

Please pardon our dust as we get everything into place for you. Expect a full launch of our blog on September 24, 2015 when we celebrate 100 weeks of our sister blog My Sexy Saturday. Information about our Anniversary Bash will be posted here starting Monday, September 21, 2015.

Hope to see you then!


  1. I like the brightness and wishing you best of luck with the new site and the new ideas.

  2. Lynn Crain will be here soon to tell you what excitement we #MSS authors have in store for you you 5/24-5/27!
    Victoria and I will be here along with about thirty other authors.

  3. Thank you, Lynn Crain, for organizing all of this. It's a huge job, I know!


Thanks for commenting. We moderate our comments not because we want to discourage you but because we don't like spammers. Most comments will go up in a matter of hours but we do need to sleep sometimes. Please be patient and know we're working as fast as we can. Thanks for visiting My Sexy Saturday's Author Central! We appreciate your visit.